the question of hu summary

Fong See would make trips to China to buy Chinese. THESIS - When evaluating Arnold Junior Spirit from Sherman Alexies The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian and Jin Wang from Gene Luen Yangs American Born Chinese, similarities radiate in both characters as their disparity in race deem the two of them as outcasts in the entirety of society. Huck, by ripping up his letter to Ms. Watson, and vowing to steal Jim out of slavery again, refuses to conform to the society and slavery (223). For How would I have acted in the missionarys shoes? is the quietly disturbing question that Im grateful to Spence for getting me to pose. In addition to their lack of social interactions, their uniformity in their impulsive decisions cost them each a dear friend. Dr. Spence received a lot of positive critics by major newspapers and journals like Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, etc. I'm not entirely sure what to make of this book. Since Hu came along at the final moment, Foucquet felt that it was the work of God that sent Hu his way to join him on his journey, when in reality Hu wasnt sent to Foucquet, Because of this, Hu would often venture off into areas that were run-down and depressed, poor agriculturally, or simply somewhere than any other everyday citizen wouldnt aspire to go to. Spence brings the story to life with wit and a remarkable economy of words, but never glossing over any factor of the story. 4th ed. The historical novel portrays a story of two people, John Hu, and Jean-Franois Foucquet. Schmitts purpose in writing this travel narrative, is to show the differences between the Chinese and American cultures, when it comes to many different things. He was the keeper of the gate in the Catholic Church of Canton. A strange little book about a priest (Father Foucquet) who brought a Chinese (Hu) man back with him to France from Canton in the early 18th century to help with his studies. Now staying in the Bayneses home, Hu is just as terrible as he was in Renaults home. On the eve of departure, he hurriedly interviews one, John Hu, a 40-year-old widower and a Christian convert. His slight hesitation escaping with Jim makes him question the authenticity of his morality. At once a triumph of historical detective work and a gripping narrative, Jonathan D. Spence is a historian specializing in Chinese history. He was the keeper of the gate in the Catholic Church of Canton. John Hus personality is described by both Father Jean-Francois Foucquet and the narrator as being both insane and oppressed, respectively. In the end, his strong heart broke through, and he decided to escape from the incorrect moral standards and confines of the society, and, Deep in the story of the Hklea and the culture of her creation is a story of a two thousand year old relationship with the sea and Islands. In the personal essay My Mothers Tongue (1990), Amy Tan, widely known author explains her insights on language and culture identity using details and memories from her own life experiences. (United States 2011), 346, Solomon, R.C. When French, German, Italian, and English are more common, he was only able to speak Chinese, which almost nobody knew how to. He sold antiques to American people and even rented out pieces of Chinese furniture to film studios for movies. With devastating use of litotes, Spence limns the disrupting effect of a Hu on the busy, buttoned-down life of a Jean-Francois Foucquet SJ, a life no less self-centered, for being work-centered. This is an unusual, well documented and nicely put together story about the adventures of a Chinese man who came to Europe in the 18th century and the moral conundra (that IS the plural of conundrum, isn't it?) footprints During his mission, Fouquet is called back to France and he is eager to return. recognition gesture completion The story talks of survival, rediscovery, and the restoration of pride and dignity. The excellence of The Question of Hu lies in its brevity and understatement. Through Hucks sensibility, he states, It didnt take me long to make up my mind that these liars warnt no kings nor dukes at all I hadnt no objections, long as it would keep peace in the family; and it warnt no use to tell Jim, so I didnt tell him (Twain 125). Huck opposes anything or anyone that might attempt to "sivilize" him. In China, being a guest of someones home means being appreciative and good mannered, making Hus behavior completely. They all have the problem of fitting into their new environments. There was a large Chinese population in Virginia and all along the Pacific coast. facing the man who brought him. The Question of Hu is freighted with almost no commentary and opinion. Chiang Yee is an author who is endearing in his modest humility, cheerful narrative and superior wisdom and whose style of writing allows him to be as enlightening as he is entertaining., Rodriguez, Richard. Is it an extended ethical dilemma case study, or a history book, or? Hucks tenacity and unwillingness to let Jim, his loyal companion, remain in the socially acceptable slavery, as well as his willingness to sacrifice his spiritual well-being to save his friend, conveys the idea that Huck disapproves of slavery and its principles. values attenuation hounsfield In return, nature is considered a place to find peace and an escape from civilization. WebThe Question of Hu, by Jonathan D. Spence, is a beautifully written book, based on elegant scholarship. John Murray Publishing. Each hope for their daughters success and pray that they will not experience the hardships faced in China. Belmont: Thomson Learning Inc., 2004., [ 8 ]. [ 3 ]. I guess this is what happens to primary sources that an eminent historian (Spence) can't work into his other historical works. This culminated in Foucquet's decision to commit his assistant to an asylum, insisting that he's insane and needs to be locked up. WebThe Question Of Hu Summary. Jonathan Spences novel The Question of Hu covers mid-eighteenth century travels from China to the western world of a Jesuit missionary, Father Jean-Francois Foucquet, and a Chinese scribe, John Hu. Foucquet felt it necessary to copy Chinese text with his own interpretations to prove the mysteries of the true religion and save the mission in China from the errors into which it is falling. (Spence 13) Foucquet, from this passage, shows a yearning need to do what was right for China and the religious prosperity in China. By December, Foucquet and his European associates were completely convinced of Hus insanity. ), 289., [ 2 ]. (Ed.) During his reign, he invaded the empire on several occasions. Known for her notable achievements in memoirs and fiction, Maxine Hong Kingston published China Men: a literature composed of stories about Chinese men in her family. Tan conceals that the language in which her mother used with her was the language that helped shape the way [she] saw things, expressed things, made sense of the world (1208) and in the process it made her who she is today as an author. Regardless, Huck has a myriad of opportunities to turn Jim in--and doesnt. WebThe Question of Hu SummeryThe novel was written by Jonathan Spencer in which he brings to light the life of Hu a Chinese who was taken to France by a priest, Jean-Francois. Foucquet was in a major rush and didn't have time to fully evaluate Hu before he was hired. WebSample Summary Of Skill Statements Administrative General Rsums and Personal Statements for Health Professionals - Mar 04 2023 Helps the user prepare a resume and personal statement. "World History in Context." Then he spread the pig 's blood on the ground and also put his hair on the axe to convince people, Attila the Hun was the feared and ruthless leader of the nomadic people known as the Huns from 435 CE until his death in 453 CE. 1st ed. The historical novel portrays a story of two people, John Hu, and Jean-Franois Foucquet. However, as they outstay their welcome, their shenanigans turn from simply humorous to downright dastardly. high3 unit8 summary While sailing through the mid-Atlantic Ocean Hu told Foucquet that his mind is filled, Despite Commissaire Renault generously allowing Hu to stay in his own home, Hu proved to be a difficult houseguest. Danny has to deal with embarrassment of his cousin. Harrison also explores the negative impact of modernization on rural areas by recounting the economic and. He is a boy. Before Fouquet left Port Louis, Hu quickly changes his mind and decided to go on coach (Spence 56). A fascinating account of all of the things that can go wrong when good intentions meet cultural conflicts. In his business life, Fong See was very successful and he dressed like a business man in his three pieces tailored suits like most successful American business men did. Not since Carl Becker have I come across a sparer or more even-tempered historical ironist than Jonathan Spence. Hu, for example, takes his Christian faith with a literal seriousness that is the source of constant inconvenience and embarrassment for his master. WebThe Question Of Hu Summary. This is done in several ways through the novel; It is done in the characters moral development, within the setting itself with a variety of hypocritical ideologies, and in the oversimplification of characters. Before they even reached Europe, Foucquet began having concerns about Hus sanity. ), kept a recit fidele of it. Foucquet, the French Jesuit missionary thinks that he is doing Hu (a Christian convert)a favor taking him from China to France and then to Rome, and that Hu can help him by acting as his clerk and translator. Boston: Pearson, 2013. (2015). The historical novel portrays a story of two people, John Hu, and Jean-Franois Foucquet. Jin Wang has to deal with Asian stereotypes. It is the story of John Hu, a lowly but devout Chinese Catholic, who in 1722 accompanied a Jesuit missionary on a journey to France--a journey that ended with Hu's confinement in a lunatic asylum. Huck is confused by the mens desire to sell Jim, but eventually concludes that he will go to hell to defend his friend (223). The third section of the essay uses narration but also analysis, as Liu examines the effects of his assimilation. In reality, Foucquet is just a man that feels he is behind in life, and wants to return back home to continue his work in his own research office. Rodriguez is a first generation American, whos a son of a working class Mexican immigrant. WebThe question of Hu, by Jonathan D. Spence, is a book on the Chinese and European connection during the early 1700s. By saying this Chinese sentence in America, it taunted and made Jack embarrassed because Jack always thought he will not get accepted and his mother was one that is blocking his way to get recognized since, she made Jack different from peers. Of course, no human deserves to be treated the way Hu was treated in the insane asylum in Charenton, but Father Jean-Franois Foucquet would have benefited from hiring a different Chinese local as his copyist. 6th edition, Wadsworth Publishing 2011. WebThe question of Hu, by Jonathan D. Spence, is a book on the Chinese and European connection during the early 1700s. Sixth Edition. He says, I begun to get it through my head that he was most free--and who was to blame for it? What Kingston actually meant by Ah Goong being an American ancestor was that he had many accomplishments, but those achievements werent communicated to Kingstons family. The interactions that occur consist of the cultural differences between Chinese and European customs. When he hears of the news that Foucquet is going to France and needs a copyist he quickly agrees. This is a bit admirable to a more reserved person because it shows how outgoing she is when diving into a new culture. John Perry, Michael Bratman, John Martin Fischer. To help with the endless task of copying manuscripts, Foucquet badly, and quickly, needs a Chinese secretary. He likes to live an ordinary life, but this reason who his adventures and journeys, he becomes a child with a problem. Another lack of communication that led to a misconception is when Foucquet decided to pick Hu to travel with him back to the west, it was actually more of a decision that was made out of necessity because he couldnt find anyone to go with him. When the noise of the gold rush flooded the world, immigrants started to see America more appetizing than ever. 826 Words; 4 Pages; The Question Of Hu Summary. We should eat American food (69). 1. Four Chinese mothers have migrated to America. At this stage in the novel, it is important to denote his ambivalence toward the situation. WebHus question, after spending almost three years in a lunatic asylum, why have I been locked up? raises the question whether Hu is insane or not. WebThe question of Hu, by Jonathan D. Spence, is a book on the Chinese and European connection during the early 1700s. While travelling, according to the priest, the behaviors Hu exhibited were 'Chinese madness' (Spencer 1989). Before Fouquet left Port Louis, Hu quickly changes his mind and decided to go on coach (Spence 56). He looked different; American students called Jack a chink and they made fun of Jack, so as his neighbour Mark. Roberts, History of the World. WebSample Summary Of Skill Statements Administrative General Rsums and Personal Statements for Health Professionals - Mar 04 2023 Helps the user prepare a resume and personal statement. He was the keeper of the gate in the Catholic Church of Canton. Now staying in the Bayneses home, Hu is just as terrible as he was in Renaults home. However, the effects of the Hun army was very substantial in the third and fourth century, but remains quite vague in most historic texts. WebThe Question of Hu SummeryThe novel was written by Jonathan Spencer in which he brings to light the life of Hu a Chinese who was taken to France by a priest, Jean-Francois. In addition to their lack of social interactions, their uniformity in their impulsive decisions cost them each a dear friend. He feels uncomfortable when Mr. Hng expresses the custom Vietnamese manners and does not say indirectly truth when Khnhs ask what happens with Mr. His book evokes so many reflections and deep emotions in the reader that it is all one can do not to skip the story line altogether and hunker right down to its implications. Joe has no common language or culture with the inhabitants of his new world who eat, dress, and behave totally different from anything he has ever experienced. Foucquet declares [Hu] to be a fool (Standeart 137) which can be reasonable given how Hu acts but it shows how Foucquet has little respect for him. Lastly, Monkey has to deal with the fact that there is no position for him in the heavenly ranks. I loved this little book. He is adopted widow Douglas and her sister, Miss Watson. He states that he feels uncomfortable with Mr. Hng, Mr. Chinhs cousin, because Mr. Hng expresses extreme Vietnamese cultures. question work behind miller john accountability qbq books book summary quotes practicing personal life read authority ask blame marriage eliminate 826 Words; 4 Pages; The Question Of Hu Summary. Despite she has a Chinese mother; she is unfamiliar and uncomfortable with Chinese. Hu is the gate keeper of a church and has been converted to Christianity for about 20 years. The Dauphin is a con-man, who to feed his drinking habit, sells Jim for forty dollars. Last thing that one can infer from the quote is his mothers language barrier. The question of Hu by Jonathan D. Spence, 1989, Vintage Books edition, in English - 1st Vintage Books ed. She always speak Chinese to Jack, in the quote his mother uses Chinese word such as Sha jio chink?. WebThe Question of Hu SummeryThe novel was written by Jonathan Spencer in which he brings to light the life of Hu a Chinese who was taken to France by a priest, Jean-Francois. 3. When they first discover the fake background of the duke, Huck and Jim bow, when [they speak] to him, and say Your Graceone of [them] ought to wait on him at dinner [they] done it. Similarly, with the king, Jim and Huck [get] down on one knee to speak to him, and always [call] him Your Majesty, and [wait] on him first at meals Jim and [him] doing this and that and tother for him Upon first meeting the duke and king, and hearing their backstories, Huck believes and acts respectfully toward both men. In their first encounter, Huck innocently asks the Dauphin to speak French. Danny has to deal with embarrassment of his cousin. Within six months of their arrival in France, the priest is aching to be rid of the Chinese and scheming with nuncios, police lieutenants-general and bishops to help him become so. Dr. Spence received a lot of positive critics by major newspapers and journals like Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, etc. The Chinese saw America as a place to have a fresh start and as a place of refuge because of its generosity, so they immigrated to the west in great numbers. This story of a Chinese man's visit to Europe in the early 18th century is a really cool book on a few different levels. In the book, Father Fouquet is called from China back to France. The tale American Born Chinese by Gene Luch Wang depicts the story of three characters, Monkey, Jin, and Danny. He found some interesting material and put it together to tell of an "adventure" by a 16th century Chinese man who travelled to France and back. Although Jin Wang takes the form of Danny to reject his Chinese roots, the embarrassment of Chin-Knee shows he cannot hide behind a false American identity, thereby delineating that race is the source of his problem. Written by an historian making sound, rational extrapolations based solidly on the evidence available, yet manages to bring the characters to life - perhaps the choice of present tense helps give it a certain immediacy? WebThe question of Hu, by Jonathan D. Spence, is a book on the Chinese and European connection during the early 1700s. The Chinese culture is represented as a high- context culture. In time, Hu, still French-dumb, is shipped off at whip point to the lunatic asylum at Charenton, there to languish for two years. Retrieved from AIU Online Virtual Campus. John Hus personality is described by both Father Jean-Francois Foucquet and the narrator as being both insane and oppressed, respectively. Now staying in the Bayneses home, Hu is just as terrible as he was in Renaults home. During his first few years of his reign, he had been apart of a diarchy with his brother, Bleda, until his untimely death in 444 CE. Interesting look at the European encounter with a Chinese man in the early modern era. Boston: Bedford/St. But Hu's behavior seems so strange to the people around him that he ends up being declared insane & committed to an asylum. raman summary One such being, white floors being the, In the Autobiography of a Chinese immigrant written in 1903 by Lee Chew, dialogues about his point of view, Beginning in the late 19th century and continuing to the early 20th century, many Chinese families struggled to gain social, economic, and educational stature in both China and the United States. His room was filthy, his furniture was rearranged, and he treated Mrs. Baynes and chapter summary bad good For many years she maintained complete Chinese traditional values, and has been abided by it deliberately. That changed this Ukrainian refugees destiny. in 130 pages of limpid prose, spence brings to life this singular story (and an entire historical tapestry) of a chinese man's journey to france as a translator and scrivener for a french priest and his subsequent internment in an insane asylum for three years and final return to china. & Higgins, K.M. 2010. 826 Words; 4 Pages; The Question Of Hu Summary. When the father was in China, he made a good amount of manuscripts which needed a Chinese man to translate them for him. He considers whether it was a good idea to distance himself from his Chinese culture in order to achieve success and respect in America. 157) which he never did understand it himself. Oxford University Press. Not since Carl Becker have I come across a sparer or more even-tempered historical ironist than Jonathan Spence. "[One] of the major items in the church [Maison Professe] was for extra chairs and for washing out the mud and dust that poured into the church each day on the boots and shoes of the faithful" (73). Introduction to Philosophy: PHIL201-1503A-03 website., Philosophy Fifth Edition. He was the keeper of the gate in the Catholic Church of Canton. Foucquet also shows how little respect he has for Hu when he does not even think about paying for Hus trip home or his stay at the asylum in Charenton. This is a bit admirable to a more reserved person because it shows how outgoing she is when diving into a new culture. Tans apparent audience can be ranged from the child of an immigrant to a doctor and offers an authentic and rich portrayal of Chinese history through her conflicting experience of her Chinese and American cultures. The arrival of the Duke and Dauphin in the text marks the transition from a commentary on race to a commentary on society, and, Specifically, through the controversy of slavery at the time, Huck learns how to listen to his intuition and conscience. Picked this book in NYC from the Strand. I am just a businessman, not a poet. I forgot the title but not the absurd problem of Hu. Main examples in this narrative are; living under the same roof, loss of a loved one, and funeral etiquette. The reader is left to make the justification on John Hus actions given that Spence does not come out and talk about his views of Hu. The historical novel portrays a story of two people, John Hu, and Jean-Franois Foucquet. By December, Foucquet and his European associates were completely convinced of Hus insanity. Harrison depicts Liu as a conservative scholar and argues that his education and Confucian beliefs provided him opportunities even among the modernization changes of China. He feels uncomfortable when Mr. Hng expresses the custom Vietnamese manners and does not say indirectly truth when Khnhs ask what happens with Mr. I bought it quite some years ago in Collectables in HK and I probably wouldn't have appreciated it if reading it by then. 2nd ed. He is shown to be very self-centered and prideful "I was struck anew with how great a privilege my profession had been (Canin, pg. Huong struck me as being of this tradition as surely his father must, too, for this is how an otherwise practical people learns an attitude such as this. (33-34). Financial Statement Analysis Workbook - Aug 17 2021 All too often, nancial statements conceal more than they reveal. Pretty much everything goes wrong for a few reasons. Another Spence gem that recreates the world he evokes with minute detail and sharp, vivid prose. John Hu is a Chinese man that is literate but not educated. Highlighting one mans story allowed the author to focus on the details of everyday life in order to see how social structures and ideologies interacted in practice (7). Thus, Hucks experience with the Duke and Dauphin, shows him the cruel reality of slavery as well as the heartless reality of society. Hus travels are no more historically important than those three that were jailed for eleven years. John Hu is a Chinese man that is literate but not educated. Hu refused to be around Renaults housekeeper, likely because she was a, Hu continued to ride it around town until the horses owner found him and scolded him. In the beginning of the book, Hucks lack of morals and uncultured personality is a product of living with his abusive, demoralized father. Account of all of the story of two people, John Hu, and Foucquet... What to make of this book work into his other historical works for eleven years just terrible. 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