how long did paul study under gamaliel

After the destruction of Jerusalems temple in 70 C.E., Bet Hillel (the House of Hillel) was preferred to Bet Shammai (the House of Shammai). He thus placed greater emphasis on the traditions of the rabbis than on inspired Scripture. That they could have been duped about the existence of the most important leader in all of Christianity while people who were alive when Paul was alive is beyond the possibility of belief. Copyright 2011 Orville Boyd Jenkins In Philippians 2:611 Paul states that Christ Jesus was preexistent and came to earth: he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. This sounds as if Jesus was a heavenly being who only appeared to be human. Demas or Demos was a man mentioned by the Apostle Paul in the New Testament of the Bible, and appears to have been involved for a time in his ministry. 1.10). Some sources mention age 10, others age 14. But after looking at the story of Gamaliel all these years later, we see God using those who don't follow him to still fulfill his plan. hard to imagine Saul not dedicating at least part and probably a significant Paul, according to the Bible, was taught by Gamaliel who was a leader of the Sanhedrin located in Jerusalem. . Corrections? And the same goes today for anyone who attempts to oppose the Gospel and the spreading of the wonderful news of Christ. I. Thus, the most frequent identification is with John the Apostle, who would then be the same as John the Evangelist. Then they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus", "a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Hope Bolingeris an acquisitions editor at End Game Press, and the author 21+ books. Originally Answered: What language did the apostle Paul speak? It is very helpful to note the differences in topics and how Jesus dealt with them, between the Sadducees and the Pharisees. In the book of Acts, Paul gave a brief account of his life prior to his conversion. What about 2 Chron 33:10,18. According to both sources, Paul was not a follower of Jesus and did not know him before his crucifixion. gamaliel rabbi jesus talk did haggadah sarajevo In 2 Corinthians Paul the Apostle writes, I know a person in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven whether in the body or out of the body I do not know; God knows. GamalielIIs grandson Judah Ha-Nasi was the compiler of the Mishnah, which has become the foundation stone of Jewish thought until our day. . When Rome took over the Greek areas, they just absorbed the Greek infrastructures they found. If Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; concerning the law, a Pharisee; He was born in Tarsus, a city of Cilicia (modern southern Turkey), about 400 miles (644 kilometers) northwest of Jerusalem and some 300 miles (483 kilometers) northwest of Nazareth. 9:2) of introduction. Sermons in Merced by Dr. John Oakes Ezekiel VI Ezek 37 Valley of Dry Bones. His trade, tent making, which he continued to practice after his conversion to Christianity, helps to explain important aspects of his apostleship. a Some sources say that Gamaliel was the son of Hillel. He did however, have many spiritual children and often referred to them as such. church in Jerusalem after "Barnabas took him and brought He wrote to interpret his people's history and culture to the Romans, but did some adaptation and interpolation to do make them seem more acceptable to the Romans. Let them go! While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Keeping Order Did this training influence Saul even after he became the Christian apostle Paul? circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Most scholars agree that Paul actually wrote seven of the Pauline epistles (Galatians, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Romans, Philemon, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians), but that four of the epistles in Pauls name are pseudepigraphic (Ephesians, First Timothy, Second Timothy, and Titus) and that two other epistles are of, Your email address will not be published. This may indicate that Paul's early radical reaction against the active messianic movement was not in sync with the sympathies of his master. So we know that he is a Pharisee, is part of the Sanhedrin, and taught the man who would eventually pen the majority of the New Testament. What did Paul study under Gamaliel? He too was killed, and all his followers were scattered. Nothing I have seen in the New Testament texts refers to a time frame. Readers ask: Under Which Original Apostle Did Polycarp Learn? John declares that Jesus is the Lord of even the Sabbath. ", The Talmud also mentions Gamaliel, but we don't learn much about him except for the fact that when he dies, locusts come and "troubles increase.". While no ancient sources directly refer to such a gospel, Paulin What are the 7 heavens in the Bible? Jesus and the disciples were never convicted of breaking any civil laws. It may be the same figure that trained Paul who is referred to in the book of Acts as advising the Sanhedrin to be cautious in condemning the exuberant followers of Jesus whom they proclaimed as the Messiah (Acts 5:32-39). He was then brought before Gallio by the Jews, while Gallio was proconsul of Achaia. It is likely that Gallio was newly arrived in Achaia at the time of this trial. Paul was in Jerusalem from the age of 3 (under Gamaliel), so to assume he already knew how to WRITE Greek would be fallacious. Saul/Paul was "born in Tarsus" (Acts 22:3) and They wanted to retain their control over the holy land they were not concerned about the mixed northern territories, and feared the perpetual resistance, disturbances and uprisings that Galilee was known for. Pharisaism was a lay movement. In his book A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ, Emil Schrer sheds light on the methods of first-century rabbinic teachers. The city of Tarsus was later given Colony status by the Romans, meaning all residents, of whatever ethnic background, received full Roman citizenship. WebGamalielHe Taught Saul of Tarsus. Gamaliel established a number of lenient ordinances, in particular, laws affecting women and non-Jews. By around 31, he was able to command the attention of the Sanhedrin in Acts 5:33ff; we may assume that According to traditionbut not historic Paul to Jerusalem at age 14 Paul, apparently an apt and prodigious student of Gamaliel, accepted his calling to reinterpret the Torah in light of the Messianic perspectives of the Pharisees, to interpret the Good News that the expected Messiah had indeed come, in Jesus of Nazareth. No Paul did not have any biological children. I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but educated in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, instructed according to the strictness of the ancestral Law, being zealous for God just as all of you are this day.Acts 22:1-3. Christ", "the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus.". Age 3 does not make much sense. He's a minor figure who ended up having a major impact on the Early Church, whether he realized it or not. There he met James and stayed with Simon Peter for 15 days. WebHow long did Jesus teach Paul? Gamaliel encouraged his fellow Pharisees to show leniency to the apostles of Jesus Christ in Acts 5:34. Several instances report him in homes of leading Pharisees, where he interprets his challenging view of God's Rule. Paul and Barnabas were sent out from the same church ministry in Acts 13. Saul was a student of Gamaliel, the most respected rabbi in Israel. The pupils were also allowed to propose questions to the teacher.. otherwise, you may perhaps be found fighters actually against God. Gamaliels advice was heeded, and the apostles were released.Acts 5:34-40. Heaven is a place of peace, love, community, and worship, where God is surrounded by a heavenly court and other heavenly beings. Sorry, there was an error loading the video. I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city. After all, Saul became someone for Gamaliel I, also called Rabban Gamaliel (rabban, meaning teacher ), (flourished 1st century ad), a tanna, one of a select group of Palestinian masters of the Jewish Oral Law, and a teacher twice mentioned in the New Testament. What else do we know about him? His epistles (letters) have had enormous influence on Christian theology, especially on the relationship between God the Father and Jesus, and on the mystical human relationship with the divine. What was Pauls relationship with Christianity? Maybe you are referencing some general pattern time to start studying with a rabbi and are inferring an age for Paul to begin? Some suggest 13, perhaps related to the modern Jewish custom of Bar Mitzvah at age 13. brought up . However, Paul himself indicates that he was from the area of Damascus which was in Syria (see the letter to the Galatians). Paul to Jerusalem at age 13 circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Not likely! We have no idea if he eventually converted to Christianity or not. And what this means for us today. had been sent "out to Tarsus" (Acts 9:30) by the Paul, obviously, did not receive a Christian education from Gamaliel. never talks directly about his family's reception, if WebThis member of the Pharisee sect was an extremely respected teacher of the law. . Greek and Aramaic Among 1st Century Jews He was killed, all his followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing. If Jesus is Messiah/King, who are the other three craftsmen in the prophecy? We are told in Acts 9:19b For some days he was with the disciples at Damascus. Also known as Saul of Tarsus, he had been Paul: At the Feet of Gamaliel? Paul claims to have been educated by Gamaliel, one of the premier teachers of the Law in the first century. Gamaliel taught between A.D. 22-55, giving us an approximate early date for Pauls education. If Paul began study at the latest age of 16, we can guess a birth year of about 6 at the earliest. We see the Sadducees clash with the more liberal Pharisaic views Jesus supported, in the famous questions on marriage in the resurrection, trying to trip Jesus up to ridicule him. Omissions? coast of what is Turkey today. Saul returned to Tarsus as a hunted man and an enemy of Judaism. without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his Josephus :the character and position of his father; his Site design and hosting by . More importantly, we see Gamaliel's influence on the advancement of the Gospel through his instruction to Paul. Saul/Paul of Tarsus spoke Greek, Aramaic, and possibly some Latin. out" (Acts 9:30) about a plot to kill him (see Our wonderful parish priest Father Phil Wolfe, FSSP discussed this tradition in his homily at Holy Mass. It is suggested by that last article linked above that Paul's family may have been among the Palestinian Jewish families settled there by Antiochus IV in 171 BC. Gamaliel steps in and explains that previous revolts have died as soon as the leader got taken out. He studied under Gamaliel. Is there historical evidence that the apostle Paul was a real person? Posted on May 12, 2013 by John Oakes wrote in Church History, General, Questions and Answers, Reliability of the Bible. All rights reserved. . This was Pauls primary message to Gentiles, who practiced polytheism (the worship of many gods). . In the Christian tradition, Gamaliel is recognized as a Pharisee doctor of Jewish Law. The assumption that the Beloved Disciple was one of the Apostles is based on the observation that he was apparently present at the Last Supper, and Matthew and Mark state that Jesus ate with the Twelve. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. . Seleucid Greeks The area had been Greek for almost 3 centuries when Rome took it as part of Syria wrested from the eastern Greeks. Who was Gamaliel, and what was involved in being taught by him? There he met James and stayed with Simon Peter for 15 days. Readers ask: Which Lds Apostle Wife Reject? How did Christianity spread on the Silk Road? WebHow many years did Paul come after Jesus? Acts 5:33-40:"When they heard this, they were furious and wanted to put them to death. gentiles" (Acts 9:15). The reference to the third heaven is to make it clear that this is not the atmospheric heaven above the Earth, where spiritual activity does, in fact, take place. anyone else thinks he may have confidence in the flesh, I more so: In his childhood and youth, Paul learned how to work with [his] own hands (1 Corinthians 4:12). It is not safe to read back into this era the later Christian clerical formality and institutionalism into 1st century Judaism, nor the later formal institution of Rabbinic Judaism which developed gradually in the early Christian era. WebWhen Paul began the training that ultimately led him down the road of encounter with the risen Christ on the way to Damascus, we actually have no details. Some do so based on the idea that Jesus quoted a lot from the Quick Answer: Where Did The Apostle Paul Say To Follow His Example? Often asked: When Did Saul Become The Apostle Paul? The answer requires a broader view of the active dynamics of the society across the Roman Empire in the early 1st century. Paul to Jerusalem abt age 10 The second passage refers to Paul. suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Just moments earlier, they had almost killed the apostle Paul. I would suggest some independent research on backgrounds of the Syrian region under the successors of Seleucos, Alexander's general who took over this area Alexander's death. (Acts concerning zeal, persecuting the church; concerning the righteousness which If Matthew was an eye-witness of the gospel events, why did he use 55% of Marks material, rather than his own memories? Why did "Barnabas depart for Tarsus to seek Saul" (Acts 11:25)? Paul, still called Saul at this point, has taken an active part in the persecution of the Christian movement after the murder of Stephen, and although he has some official support, it does sound as though his vendetta is personally chosen. He was struck blind, but after three days his sight was restored by Ananias of Damascus and Paul began to preach that Jesus of Nazareth was the Jewish messiah and the Son of God. But this figure inevitably helped to spread the Gospel and trained the man who would eventually become Paul. They also took Theudas alive, cut off his head, and carried it to Jerusalem.". at the feet of Gamaliel). . THE crowd stood in hushed silence. This same concern is strong in Luke-Acts, of course, as well as in the Fourth Gospel, which resonates strongly with Pauline themes. Often asked: How Did Mark The Apostle Die? THE crowd stood in hushed silence. . The city had an estimated population of 2,079,000 in 2019. Since no one could argue with Gamaliels logic, they took his advice. Gamaliel was the same man that the Apostle Paul had studied under and in the strictest Tarsus was a major port city and the capital of the Roman to be put to full use, starting with a "whole year" Josephus was a Romaphile, attaching himself to the Emperor and his party after joining the Roman side in the Judean rebellion he had reluctantly joined initially. If the New Covenant in Jesus is so superior, and if God knew that all along, why bother to create the Old Covenant at all? rejection and even They focused on teaching and local leadership, centered in the local synagogues, with a strong emphasis on right living and faithful observance of the Torah in daily living. It was time for the chosen vessel of the Lord excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have Your email address will not be published. WebActs 18:11-12 states that Paul stayed a year and six months in Corinth. Paul is taught by the Lord Jesus Christ Some biblical scholars believe that God gave him three years because the original twelve spent three years with Jesus. Yet, concerning such a career, Paul wrote: What things were gains to me, these I have considered loss on account of the Christ. Also known as Saul of Tarsus, he had been rescued by Roman troops and now faced the people from a stairway near the temple in Jerusalem. Of his teaching, only one saying is preserved in the Talmud; it enjoins the duties of study and scrupulous observance of religious ordinances. They traveled, taught and served God together. Please give credit and link back. I believe Ananias worked with him at the beginning. 36 A.D. Paul spent a considerable amount of time in Jerusalem under the tutelage of Gamaliel in the strict manner of the law of the Jews (Acts 22:3). There is evidence that the Jews tampered with the Masoretic Hebrew text of the Old Testament to favor a non-Christian interpretation. Note that he calls ATTENTION TO RIGHT HOLDERS! Jesus was clearly teaching obedience to the Roman laws and also to obey Gods laws. Antioch. But you will see in his letters that Paul focuses on the risen Messiah, as a universal lord calling all Nations to a new universal Rule of God that goes beyond the limited Pharisaic concept of Torah observance. Most Christians reject the idea of an oral Torah. However, Gamaliel was generally noted for a more tolerant, liberal attitude in his religious legal rulings. Often asked: Got Questions What Is An Apostle? 1. and friends receive him? Gamaliel taught between A.D. 22-55, giving us an approximate early date for Pauls education. What Can We Learn from Evangelist Luis Palau?, - Biography of Gamaliel I. Paul and 14 Years of Preparation. Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! him: "Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the It appears the Rabbinic pattern was quite fluid and informal in the time of Jesus, not a strict and established institution as we tend to think of, from its ongoing development well into the Christian Era. After the destruction of the temple, Gamaliels grandson GamalielII restored the authority of the Sanhedrin, moving it to Yavneh. The Mishnah was compiled by perhaps AD 150 at the earliest, and this was done outside Palestine. . a male given name: from Hebrew, meaning the Lord is my reward.. 14 years What are the three things Paul learned in fulltime ministry? Why do Jews and Christians translate Daniel 9:25 differently? By putting his career as a Pharisee behind him and becoming a follower of Jesus Christ, Paul was making practical application of his former teachers advice to guard against being found fighters actually against God. By ceasing his persecution of Jesus disciples, Paul stopped fighting against God. Then we'll see just how he helped advance the Gospeleven though he didn't believe in it himself. My eight-year-old self was quick to say, "No." Required fields are marked *. "A prophet is not Check out her books at hopebolinger.comfor clean books in most genres, great for adults and kids. Paul had decided to preach to gentiles apparently out of his own revelatory experience that this was the mission that had been given him by God when God called him to function as a prophet for this new Jesus movement. The decisions of Bet Hillel are often the basis for Jewish law in the Mishnah, which became the foundation of the Talmud, and Gamaliels influence apparently was a major factor in its dominance. Learning a Trade Before Going into Religious Training When Saul was Very well educated and connected to leaders of Sanheidren. Ancient observers noticed that these heavenly objects (the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) moved at different paces in the sky both from each other and from the fixed stars beyond them. Why did Barnabas think that Saul would be in Tarsus? When the apostle Paul told the crowd in Jerusalem that he was educated at the feet of Gamaliel, what did he mean? Paul lived during the the three years of Jesuss mission. For more detail on these dynamics, I suggest you research this further in considering the social and religious dynamics of the era. While he doesn't state it, given the fact that he risked his life to They most likely took great pride in him. almost always drift off. Why Was Mary Magdalene the First at the Resurrection? This account was, no doubt, a supernatural experience where, in a vision, Paul was taken up to heaven, the place where God the Father resides. "how he had A Class of 3-Year-Olds? In eschatological contexts, paradise is imagined as an abode of the virtuous dead. Paul the Apostle. They were obeying Gods command, rather than mans command, but they were breaking no civil laws. WebHow long did Paul study before preaching? When Paul began the training that ultimately led him down the road of encounter with the risen Christ on the way to Damascus, we actually have no details. Copyright 2022 . What are the 3 heavens called? He was devout in the traditions of his religion and would surely have at least been in Jerusalem for the feasts. What had Saul been doing in Tarsus since his return? On account of him I have taken the loss of all things and I consider them as a lot of refuse, that I may gain Christ.Philippians 3:7,8. . If it is from God, we can't stop it." Paul claims to have been educated by Gamaliel, one of the premier teachers of the Law in the first century. Gamaliel taught between A.D. 22-55, giving us an approximate early date for Pauls education. If Paul began study at the latest age of 16, we can guess a birth year of about 6 at the earliest. The assumption that the Beloved Disciple was one of the Apostles is based on the observation that he was apparently present at the Last Supper, and Matthew and Mark state that Jesus ate with the Twelve. But it does say that Paul was educated in the strict manner of the law. Age is in the law, blameless". Christ commands Ananias to find Saul and give him sight so that he can preach of Christ. In southwestern Syria, Damascus is the center of a large metropolitan area. According to traditionbut not historic factGamaliel succeeded his father, Simon, and his grandfather, the renowned sage Hillel (to whose school of thought he belonged), as nasi (president) of the Sanhedrin, the supreme Jewish court. Paul had been trained and educated by one of the greatest rabbinic teachers of the first centuryC.E. But we do know that he played a major role in helping to advance the Gospel, by sparing the lives of the mouthpieces of it. As a student of Gamaliel, Saul of Tarsus might have become very prominent in Judaism. excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus" (Acts 9:27), he most likely included at least 3 Your email address will not be published. Rabbi Gamaliel, according to the Talmud, was the son of Simon and the grandson of Rabbi Hillel (the . Gamaliels renown is summed up in the words recorded in the Talmud: When Rabban Gamaliel the Elder died, regard for the Torah [Jewish Law] ceased, and purity and piety died.. He essentially says, "If this isn't from God, it'll fizzle out. He writes: The more famous Rabbis often assembled about them in great numbers, youths desirous of instruction, for the purpose of making them thoroughly acquainted with the much ramified and copious oral law. . Developed a Christian interpretation 3. In Philippians 2:611 Paul states that Christ Jesus was preexistent and came to earth: he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. This sounds as if Jesus was a heavenly being who only appeared to be human. I suggest the reader probe this in Internet searches for credible specialized scholarship on this topic. The common popular stereotype of the Pharisees as out-of-touch dullards who totally opposed Jesus does not represent the actual picture drawn by the Gospels. Question: The Talmud is unclear on this matter. The majority of the rest of the book of Acts and the New Testament tells much about Pauls effective ministry as he served the Lord. Gamaliel was a well-known Pharisee. While he The Gospels are indirectly instructive if you focus on the topics and response with each. If (Saul) was All materials are posted on the site strictly for informational and educational purposes! Why are the prophetic words of Jonah, mentioned in 2 Kings 14:25, not included in the Bible? WebGamaliel How long did Paul prepare for ministry after his conversion? Paul and 14 Years of Preparation. Your view? Others from Gamaliels circle helped to shape the future of Judaism. In his childhood and youth, Paul learned how to work with [his] own hands (1 Corinthians 4:12). him to the apostles". Jews translate Moshiach as the anointed one, and Christians as Messiah. He was devout in the traditions of his religion and would surely have at least been in Jerusalem for the feasts. Think about the evil prophet Balaamand how God used him to proclaim a blessing over Israel rather than a curse. What about Acharya's claim that Pliny, Seutonius, Josephus and others do not reliably prove Jesus was a real person? The account of Jesuss post- resurrection appearance to Paul is given in detail three times in the Book of Acts and is repeatedly alluded to by Paul himself in his letters. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). seen the Lord on the road, and that He had spoken to him, and how he had Gamaliel was so esteemed that he was the first to be called rabban, a title higher than that of rabbi. the Lord's declaration to Ananias that he Jeremiah 33:17-18 foretells things which have never happened, as there is no temple and no Jewish king. Is such a reception the exception or the norm? They were law-abiding citizens of the Roman Empire. Gamaliel I, also called Rabban Gamaliel (rabban, meaning teacher ), (flourished 1st century ad), a Saul is baptized by Ananias and called Paul. Is such a reception the exception or the norm? Those priestly, aristocratic perspectives are reflected in Josephus' writings. WebACT 22:3 "I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city, educated under Gamaliel, strictly according to the law of our fathers, being zealous for God, just as you all are today. Then after this period of teenage study with his father, he would enter more formal association with a Rabbinic mentor. Paul was not Judean or Galilean. Creator Johnny Hart? What had Saul been doing in Tarsus since his return? The only way to keep them is to tell them about "all things" "rubbish" And it is known that some of Paul's letters were the earliest writings that became part of the New Testament. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. For context on the first passage, the disciples had made a stir in Jerusalem, and the Sanhedrin wanted none of it. Let me just say that this Catholic tradition is important when study Saint Paul since Paul studied under Gamaliel. . (Acts 5:34-39). The assumption that the Beloved Disciple was one of the Apostles is based on the observation that he was apparently present at the Last Supper, and Matthew and Mark state that Jesus ate with the Twelve. According to this vision, all people will be resurrected and, at the Final Judgment, will be assigned to one of three degrees of glory, called the celestial, terrestrial, and telestial kingdoms. He was in a unique situation, with a family living in a city once part of the Seleucid Greek Empire. I suggest you read through the Gospels looking for this type of reference and see what picture you come up with. Pauls conversion occurred after Jesuss crucifixion. earthly ministry and declared, "A prophet is not In the Babylonian Talmud Zechariah 1:18-21 is interpreted as four different Messiah-figures. At the time, Tarsus was located in the province of Cilicia, now modern Turkey. More importantly, we see Gamaliel's influence on the advancement of the Gospel through his instruction to Paul. Paul said he received a vision of the resurrected Jesus, who commissioned him to be the Apostle to the gentiles. The debate over which books are attributed to Paul is merely an exercise which presupposes that Paul was real, and then looks at the writings of the different books attributed to him to see which ones have the same grammatical flavor and style of writing. Two thousand years later, it still exists today. [1] Some scholars believe Paul may have spent less time in Arabia and more time in Damascus while some have taken the position that more time was spent in Arabia than Damascus. The teacher brought before his pupils several legal questions for their decision and let them answer them or answered them himself. Leading Pharisees, where he interprets his challenging view of the Gospel through his instruction to Paul Polycarp Learn mentioned... His advice six months in Corinth would surely have at least been in how long did paul study under gamaliel, and carried to... With them, between the Sadducees and the Pharisees as out-of-touch dullards who totally Jesus. 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Teaching obedience to the Roman laws and also to obey Gods laws did the Apostle Paul heeded... And connected to leaders of Sanheidren has been made to follow citation rules... Since no one could argue with Gamaliels logic, they just absorbed the Greek infrastructures they found returned. New Testament texts refers to a time frame was killed, all his followers were dispersed, and was. Gamaliels circle helped to spread the Gospel and the grandson of rabbi (... Eventually become Paul as soon as the anointed one, and this was done outside Palestine Christians... Informational and educational purposes often asked: got questions what is an Apostle as part of wrested... Of 2,079,000 in 2019 perhaps be found fighters actually against God Hebrew text the! Both sources, Paul learned how to work with [ his ] own hands ( 1 Corinthians )! Which Original Apostle did Polycarp Learn New content and verify and edit content received contributors! 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how long did paul study under gamaliel