ekagrata [ekaagrutaa]: concentration
samsara [sumsaar]: the realm of relativity, transience and illusion; the process of worldly life; the bondage of life, death and rebirth
You can create your own lists to words based on topics. sahaja samadhi [suhuj sumaadhi]: samadhi which comes naturally and is present always
}); abhasa [pronunciation: aabhaas]: reflection of consciousness
Isvara anugraha [eesh^vur unugruha]: God's grace
Brahman [bruhmun]: the Universal Self; the Absolute
vichara marga [vichaar maarg]: spiritual path of inquiry
paramatma(n) [purumaatma(n)]: the Supreme Self; Universal Brahman
pramana [prumaan]: means of valid knowledge
dvandva [dvundv]: pair of opposites
owpacharika (aupacharika) [aupuchaarik]: in a worldly sense
Saham: She I am (Mantra of Saktas). sanga [sung]: association; brotherhood
chakshus [chuk^shus]: eye
hrit [hr^t]: heart
acharya [uchurya]: scholar, learned man; a term of
pratikam [pruteekum]: symbol
Lists. tyaga [tyaag]: giving up
jothi (jyoti) [jyotiH]: light; effulgence, Kailas [kailaas]: a mountain in the Himalayas reputed to be the home of Siva
}); phala chaitanyam [phul chaitunyum]: knowledge
anadi [unaadi]: without beginning
laghu [lughu]: light; easy
sakshat [suk^shaat]: here and now
upasaka [upaasuk]: meditator; layman who lives according to certain strict rules
sakshi(n) [suk^shi(n)]: witness; the Self
pranava [prunuv]: another term for Om
agami (a. karma) [aagaami karm]: actions of the present life expected to bear fruit in future births
videha mukta [videha mukt]: a liberated being after he has left the body
rajas [rujus]: one of the three primal qualities - described as red, the principle of activity; energy; passion; restlessness
atma prema [aatma prem]: Self-love
pravritti [pruvr^tti]: pursuing what is desirable
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bodhisattva [bodhisuttva]: destined for enlightenment but wants to take all beings along
mouna (mauna) [same]: Silence; the Truth of Brahman, expressed by the Brahman-knower by his mere abidence in stillness
abhasa [pronunciation: aabhaas]: reflection of consciousness
WebNot sure if this is what you are looking for, but the word vareyasa has a sense of continual improvement.
sannyasi(n) [sunnyaasi(n)]: an ascetic; one who belongs to the fourth stage of life
suddha sattva svarupa [sh^uddh suttva svuroop]: the form of purity
rupa [roop]: beautiful form
Brahmavid [bruhmuvid]: one who has realized Brahman
Vyasa [ ]: the great sage who wrote the Brahma Sutras
virat [viraat]: macrocosm; totality of gross beings; the physical world
mahavakya(s) [muhaavaakyaa]: the four main sentences proclaiming the truth of Brahman, one from each Veda
purva paksha [poorv puk^sh]: arguments advanced by the opponent
sakti pata [sh^ukti paat]: descent of divine power on a person
anatman [unaatmun]: non-Self
manas [munus]: mind, reason, mentality; also used for the aggregate of chitta, buddhi, manas and ahankara
purushakara [purushukaar]: personal effort
mouna (mauna) [same]: Silence; the Truth of Brahman, expressed by the Brahman-knower by his mere abidence in stillness
idam [idum]: this
shadadhara [shudaadhaar]: the six yogic centers
phala chaitanyam [phul chaitunyum]: knowledge
sahaja [suhuj]: natural; one's natural state
atyanta vairagyam [utyunt vairugyum]: total dispassion
mahatma [muhaatmaa]: lofty soul; highly spiritual person
linga [ling]: symbol
sakti (shakti) [sh^ukti]: power; energy; force
Vinyasa. tanha [tunhaa]: thirst (for living)
punya [same]: merit
padmasana [pudmaasun]: the 'lotus' yogic posture
apana [upaan]: the life-force that goes down
Continuous Learning And Growth Approach. viyoga [viyog]: separation
WebIn Lean, the term Kaizen describes a continuous improvement model that works to improve both flow and process. karana [kaarun]: cause
bharata [bhurut]: shining soul
karpura arati [kurpoor aaruti]: the waving of lighted camphor during puja
alayavijnana [ ]: pure, self-existent consciousness
bija [beej]: seed; source
WebThe word or phrase improvement refers to the act of improving something, or a change for the better; progress in development, or a condition superior to an earlier condition. Bhagavad-gita [bhuguvud geet]: Hindu religious scripture, "almost wholly in the form of a dialogue between Krishna, who represents the Self, the Atman, or Cosmic Consciousness, and Arjuna, who symbolizes the egoistic man of action. drisyanuviddha [dr^sh^yaanuviddh]: associated with something seen
gnana [j^naan]: see jnana
ajnana [uj^naan]: ignorance; knowledge of diversity
sama [sum]: equal, common
sarira traya [sh^ureer truya]: the three bodies, namely the physical, subtle and causal
drishti [dr^shti]: look; seeing
lakshyartha [luk^shyaartha]: implied meaning
2500 years old) // Mobile nav drop down bhogya vasta [ ]: child
nadasvaram [naadusvurum]: the pipe of the South Indian piper
bija-mantra [beej muntra]: a one-word seed-mantra or exclamation of power
skandha [ ]: one of the five components (skandhas) of personality; inherited tendencies, physical and mental
asthira [usthira]: unsteady
sannyasasrama [sunnyusaash^rum]: the last of the four stations of life
nishkama karma [nishkaam kurm]: acts done without a motive
atma prema [aatma prem]: Self-love
kama [kaam]: desire; physical love; lust
jnana marga [j^naan maarg]: path of knowledge
Find the answer of what is the meaning of improve in Sanskrit. samvit [sumvit]: consciousness; knowledge
maya: The illusions the physical world generates to ensnare our consciousness. chit jada granthi [chit jud grunthi]: the knot between pure consciousness and the insentient body; the ego
abhyasi [ubhyaasi]: one who practices
Sahakarimatra: A helping factor only. hiranyagarbha [hirunyugurbh]: universal consciousness; cosmic mind; cosmic egg; the Unmanifested mind (see mahat tattva), the "golden womb"
achala [uchul]: unmoving; hill or mountain
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sentences. sushupti (susupti) [sushupti]: dreamless sleep
vyaptam [vyaaptum]: pervaded
jai [same]: victory
kuvasana [kuvaasun]: bad tendency
ichcha [ichchh; conjunct 'ch' and 'chh', pronounced without any vowel between]: desire; will
vastutah [vustutuH]: in reality
bhuma [bhoomaa]: all-comprehensive; the Absolute
pramata(r) [prumaat(ur)]: knower, cognizer
It involves constantly learning, acquiring new skills, and expanding one's knowledge and expertise. drik [dr^k]: he who sees; the subject
sadsisya [sudsh^ishya]: true disciple
niyama [niyum]: law, rule, discipline as ordained for the second of eight yogic stages
udasinam [udaaseenum]: indifference
When people refer to Sanskrit, theyre usually talking about Classic Sanskrit, which had rules and grammar that were first recorded around 400 nishta [nishtha]: abidance in firm meditation
samskrta [sumskr^t]: the impermanent; Chinese yu wei
vaikhari [vaikhuri]: audible sound
sukha [same]: happiness
return false; nama [naam]: name; the name of God
nava [nuv]: new
The word or phrase innovative refers to being or producing something like nothing done or experienced or created before, or ahead of the times. vijnata [vij^naataa]: knower
mithya [mithyaa]: the false; unreal
sattvic [saattvik]: pure
dridha [dr^dh]: firm
ashtanga Yoga [ushtaang yog]: Yoga consisting of eight stages of discipline
sthiti [same]: being; existing
mumukshu [mumuk^shu]: one who aspires to Liberation; the first stage, when the seeker feels that there is something beyond this material universe but is still identified with his body-mind; the next stage is that of the sadhaka
nama sankirtan [naam sungkeertun]: singing the names of God
paripurnam [puripoornum]: the perfect state
murti [same]: idol
sajatiya [sujaateeya]: of the same kind
Continuous Learning And Growth Approach. Isvara drishti [eesh^vur dr^shti]: seeing everything as God
bhakti [bhukti]: devotion; love (of God)
pramada [prumaad]: swerving from abidance in the Absolute
Forums. etc. brahmachari [bruhmuchaari]: a celibate; student stage of life
achit [uchit]: not sentient
bhumika [bhoomikaa]: stage
Quotes. rupa [roop]: beautiful form, sabdanuviddha [sh^ubdunuviddh]: associated with sound
dikpalas [dikpulus]: gods who protect the various quarters
sankalpa [ ]: intention; thought; desire; imagination; volition, mental activity, tendencies and attachments
Siva [sh^iv]: God as destroyer and restorer of worlds
antardhana [unturdhaan]: disappearance from sight
maharshi (Maha Rishi) [muhur^shi]: great rishi or sage
bandha hetu [bundh hetu]: cause of bondage
dridha [dr^dh]: firm
kundalini [kundulini]: primordial cosmic energy located in the individual; mystic circle of three and a half coils situated in the umbilical region; yogic principle of serpent power
adhyaropa [udhyaarop]: superimposition
ganja [gunj]: a narcotic; hashish
vishaya [vishuya]: object
Vishnu [vishnu]: God as preserver
pratikriya [prutikriyaa]: remedy
bharata [bhurut]: shining soul
antonyms. The continuous Saucha also represents cleanliness of spirit and emotions as well. rishi (rshi) [r^shi]: a seer; a sage
ananta [ununt]: endless; infinite
jnana(m) [j^naan(aM)]: knowledge of the Absolute; enlightenment; Supreme Knowledge; Self-realization
How to Cut Expanded Metal. samjnana [sumj^naan]: awareness; perception
artha [urtha]: money
tamas [tumus]: inertia; darkness; ignorance; ego; one of the three primal qualities - described as black
nirmanakaya [ ]: the Body of Transformation in which Buddhas and Bodhisattvas take on physical characteristics similar to those of ordinary beings for the purpose of delivering such beings
jnanagni [j^naanaagni]: fire of wisdom
Find continuous similar words, continuous synonyms. chela [ ]: student; disicple
sruti [sh^ruti]: sacred text; Vedas, heard by sages in their
Vedanta [vedaant]: absolute Truth as established by the Upanishads, Brahma Sutras, and Bhagavad Gita as interpreted by Vyasa; the end or consummation of the Vedas
pravritti marga [pruvr^tti maarg]: path of action
kali yuga [kuli yug]: the last of the four ages of the world
samanya [saamaanya]: common, general, ordinary
mayasakti [maayaash^ukti]: the power of maya
Indra [indraa]: Lord of the devas; first student of Brahma vidya
In Arabic it would be or which means continuous improvement. Same word also means to climb up. In Greek it would be or . comes from the comparative form of good: =better and means the process of making something better and also being better. vayu [vaayuH]: air; vital breath; the Wind god
ati sunya [uti sh^oonya]: beyond the void
purushartha [purushaartha]: human ends; objectives worthy of human pursuit (dharma, artha, kama and moksha)
tattva jnana [tuttva j^naan]: knowledge of Brahman or Atman
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parabraham [purubruhm]: the Absolute
sruti [sh^ruti]: sacred text; Vedas, heard by sages in their
gita [geet]: song
anu [unu]: atom
paramapada [purumupaad]: Supreme state
nivritti [nivr^tti]: destruction; cessation of activity
See innovative meaning in Sanskrit, innovative definition, translation and meaning of innovative in Sanskrit. samadhi [sumaadhi]: advanced state of meditation; absorption in the Self; Oneness; the mind becoming identified with the object of meditation
panchakshari [punchaak^shaari]: a mantra of five syllables sacred to Siva
yoga marga(s) [yog maarg]: yogic path(s)
WebIhr Fachgeschft fr fussgerechtes Schuhwerk. malina [mulin]: impure
gate [guta]: gone
Sanskrit Pronunciation Guide
avastha traya [uvusthaa truya]: the three states of consciousness, namely waking, dream and sleep
dhyana [dhyaan]: meditation; contemplation; the seventh rung in the eightfold ladder of yoga
sarva [surv]: all
hamsa [hums]: advanced sannyasi
apavada [upuvaad]: removal
kshipta [k^shipt]: active
paramarthika [paarumaarthik]: Absolute; true Self
Isvara svarupa [eesh^vur svuroop]: the true form of God
tirtha [teertha]: a sacred river or tank
asuddha [ush^uddh]: bliss
drisya [dr^sh^ya]: that which is seen; the object
Thesaurus for Continuous improvement. rechaka [rechuk]: exhalation
tathata [ ]: Suchness; essence of mind; Buddha-nature; Tao; true Self
yama [ ]: self-control; the first rung in the ladder of eightfold yoga (abstention from lying, killing, theft, lust, covetousness etc. vikalpa(s) [vikulp]: doubt(s)
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti. H
Posted by on March Start with the short sounds of fundamental vowels. akritopasaka [ukritopaasuk]: one who has not done upasana or meditation
tejas [tejus]: effulgence
santi [sh^aanti]: peace
gnana [j^naan]: see jnana
What is innovative meaning in Sanskrit, innovative translation in Sanskrit, innovative definition, pronunciations and examples of innovative in Sanskrit. devata [devutaa]: a goddess
lila (leela) [leela]: play or sport
sakshi(n) [suk^shi(n)]: witness; the Self
February 24, suvasana [suvaasunaa]: good tendency
Isvara svarupa [eesh^vur svuroop]: the true form of God, jada [jud]: insentient
aham sphurana [uhum sphurun]: the throb of Self-bliss in the heart
chidakash [ ]: consciousness
aprana [upraan]: beyond manifest life; devoid of life
moola [mool]: root; source
ati jagrat [uti jaagrut]: beyond waking
All rights reserved. jnana(m) [j^naan(aM)]: knowledge of the Absolute; enlightenment; Supreme Knowledge; Self-realization
Sahasrara: A region in the top of the head in the form of a thousand-petalled lotus, where Kundalini Sakti unites with Lord Siva. pranasakti [praanush^ukti]: the power of the vital forces
grihastha [gr^husthaaH]: householder
vibhakti [vibhukti]: separation
Brahmaivaham [bruhmaivaahuM]: Brahman am I
achala [uchul]: unmoving; hill or mountain
randhra [ ]: aperature; see Brahmarandhra
maya [maayaa]: illusion; the power of Brahman by which it manifests the world; the veiling and projecting power of the universe
upasana sthana [upaasun sthaan]: seat of meditation
purva paksha [poorv puk^sh]: arguments advanced by the opponent
(Franklin Merrell-Wolff)
Parabrahman [ ]: the Supreme Absolute
vyakta [ ]: the karma-bound individuality
ekanta vasa [ekaant vaas]: free from mental concepts; "dwelling in mental solitude", Ganapati [gunuputi]: the elder son of Siva, the remover of obstacles; same as Ganesha, the chief of Siva's hosts
brahmacharya [bruhmuchurya]: celibacy
~ Tess Hughes, author of This Above All: A Journey of Self-Discovery. Sanskrit Vowel Sounds. asana [aasun]: yogic posture
ahimsa [uhimsaa]: nonviolence
bhagwan (see bhagavan)
Expand. tejomaya [tejomuya]: full of light
sandeha [sundeha]: doubt
amritanadi [umritunaadi]: the channel for the flow of consciousness from the Heart (Source) to the mind; the path by which it travels is termed archis
stotram [stotrum]: hymn of praise
avidya [uvidyaa]: nescience; ignorance of our true nature; all consciousness or knowledge, so long as it is restricted to the subject-object manifold
deva [devaaH]: a god or celestial being
anubhava [unubhuv]: experience; realization
Continuous improvement in business refers to the gradual improvement of systems, processes, and products over time. viyoga [viyog]: separation
WebFebruary 26, 2023 Comments Off on sanskrit word for continuous improvement Comments Off on sanskrit word for continuous improvement anushthana [unushthaan]: practice; attainment of knowledge
Siva [sh^iv]: God as destroyer and restorer of worlds
samkalpa(s) [sumkulp]: fancies
kanya [kunyaa]: virgin
sravaka [sh^ruvuk? jnana vichara [j^naan vichaar]: inquiry regarding knowledge
saguna [sugun]: with attributes
randhra [ ]: aperature; see Brahmarandhra
prasad(a) [prusaad(a)]: divine blessing; food which has been offered to God and afterwards distributed among the devotees
INPUT ENCODING. jivatman [jeevaatmun]: the individual self
tanumanasa [tunumaanus]: tenuous mind; one of the seven stages of enlightenment
stuti [same]: devotional singing
beeja [beej]: seed (see bija)
chidabhasa [chidaabhaas]: reflected consciousness
tadakaranilai [tudaakaarunilai]: abiding in the form of That
nirguna [nirgun]: without attributes
chittaikograta [chittaikogrutaa]: one-pointedness of mind
ayatana [aayutun]: repository, bahir pranayamam [buhir praanaayaam]: external breath regulation
adhridha [udhr^dh]: weak; not firm
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upasana [upaasun]: meditation; contemplation
(Kaizen(Improvement)) means making it even a little better. It is an improvement activity in the Japanese manufacturing industry. We sometimes re E |
in chorus
kevala kumbhaka [kevul kumbhuk]: retention of breath leading to stilling of the mind
kama [kaam]: desire; physical love; lust
sukshma [sook^shm]: subtle
sambogakaya [ ]: the body in which Enlightened Beings enjoy the rewards of liberation from worldly things and in which they can appear to other beings in insubstantial form
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jnanendriya [j^nunendriya]: sense organ
agami (a. karma) [aagaami karm]: actions of the present life expected to bear fruit in future births
sakama [sukaam]: with desire
sadhana [saadhun]: method of spiritual practice; path
namarupa [numurup]: name and form; the nature of the world
Sorted by: 2. dasi [daasee]: courtesan
sanskrit word for continuous improvement. What a lovely book!" vasana kshaya [vaasun k^shuya]: cessation of vasanas
Chinese 1. gaishan () - improve/improvement [general; cognate of kaizen in the general sense] 2. gaishanfa () - lit. "improvementlogy" [also t
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