yandere godzilla x male reader

I have actually had arguments with friends and family as they didnt understand why I just couldnt like her. Well, William and Charles are the most boring people on the planet and Kate is plain, dull, and boring. I kept getting the words emotional blackmail regarding the interview, but now wonder if it might be even more literal than that! Also unsure about your claim that Prince William and Kate Middleton married on Hitlers wedding date. It would have drawn bigger ratings after the new baby was born. I was very disappointed with the press release put out by the queen as i felt she shouldve been more tougher toward M&H. You want to know if Meghan will get her karma. I filed a feature on Meghan Markle, as she was then, some years ago on this website and went into detail about the Princess Margaret comparisonThank you. How interesting that the Vedic astrologer also mentions 2025. That is something else I need to research thank you. And youre also not the first person to ask, if this is consciously done, or unconsciously! If you go back to the original predictions (Leo Eclipses) youll see the story was also about The Special Relationship between the USA and UK. On the other hand, I cant see Meghan being too pleased at not being a Duchess, especially as she seems very keen that Archie should have a title (though he wouldnt be automatically eligible until Prince Charles is King)! I do not believe for a second that she knew nothing of Harry or the royals. I wonder if Harry will not lay down their titles voluntarily, actually, beating the Palace to it. Its financial issues in a few years, which will decide make or break and Meghan will either line up huge charity work with Prince Harry or take him to the cleaners. I will share this with Tara Buffington. I think people are surprised by how deeply moved and saddened they have been by his loss. REALLY love your articles on current issues. Yes, as you say, lucre is the key. They have chosen to read the statements in print. I did wonder whether the north and south nodes in Leo and Aquarius may be relevant but Ill admit my astrology is not that good. It really helps to come back to the historic facts. Her numbers show her becoming a spiritual teacher then. The astrologer also made a prediction for Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, claiming she will be surprising us all from the month of May onwards, though she did not clarify how. Is one of the young girls Megan??? You feel five years, and the horoscope tells me that, just because this was a classic Mercury Retrograde in Pisces/Neptune in Pisces show. As is Harry. My dad is a Londoner and my granny a poor Londoner through the war with a penny to rub together but they viewed the Queen like a god. So good for her abd good for Harry, because he has a few thoughts about the yellow press as well. Fascinating article. What a man, what a life ! Harry piqued my interest on two points. I had no idea, but you are quite right. As you explained that her Chiron connects directly to Harrys Moon, do these aspects affect him, too? They have uncannily similar horoscopes. Id not planned to watch the interview as Meghan particularly just feels icky.. energetically. I read most of the comments here, but couldnt find the answer so I have to ask- will Harry ever have an eye opening moment? He has such a tough life. Thankyou V. Oh really? And of course Prince Andrew. The press leads and the people follow their narrative. And honestly, I thought its not a top news on CNN. Her political capital for democrats, is quite clearly significant. KEY POINTS. When do you think they might lose their titles? The astrologer also made a prediction for Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, claiming she will be surprising us all from the month of May onwards, though she did not clarify how. These comments are helping me not to get stressed. That will go down in history. Both Diane and Sarah came from broken homes and found marriage difficult; Camilla and Catherine on the other hand were raised in loving home environments and developed inner qualities which have enabled them to ride the storms of life. Whilst Meghan was supposedly feeling suicidal, where was Harry? Even from Australia, where there is much muttering about a republic, given the awful drama being played out on American television. This was published before Harry and Meghans wedding. (Swimming did it, in the end) Thanks so much. At present the couple are though still Royal Highnesses but have agreed not to use this designation. He has a mixed race family too and has been furious on behalf of the House of Windsor. Watch what happened. Read more. Thanks for all this and it is comforting to see the likes of yourself and gifted psychics shed light on this issue. Do you think they really just want to be heard or deliberately trying to destroy the system runs with monarch, for equality? WebAstrologer Predicts the Tragic End for Harry in 2021: Frustrated at Fading Hello and welcome to Kate Middleton and The Queen's news channel. We have a chart for MI5 and also for MI6 actually, and the astrology tallies with the House of Windsor. I would say there is a high level of politicking going on, here. He actually looks nothing like James Hewitt, apart from his (Spencer) colouring, and looks much more like Charles than William does. I watched the interview twice, it was very one sided, it did not cover the unhappiness Megan must have suffered from her own family, her father and her half siblings. Can you look into that option. I havent watched it because I just dont really like people who only think about themselves. Yet we are faced daily with outrages which lead to hopelessness and polarization. I think the Queen has seen the likes of Meghan before and is a shrewd person and therefore unlikely to play into her hands just yet. I would love him to celebrate his 100th birthday and to receive an official centenarian message from the missus. As per 2021 predictions, Meghan is expected to forge new partnerships as an independent royal. It would explain why shes managed to escape justice and perhaps has been protected by both the royal family/firm and the highest levels of US politicians in both the republicans and democrats for so long. You are quite right about depression and motherhood and yes, people with no resources and money really are on their own. In New York, in Hobart (where I am) and everywhere. Michelle Obama has weighed in. The Special Relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom has been sacred since D-Day and it is astonishing to think it could ever have been endangered, but one look at the world map and you know exactly who wants that partnership to fail. Firstly, a video from 2018 Dianas psychic saying that Diana did not approve of Harry marrying Meghan: Id love to know your thoughts about what is in store for the Royal family in the future. They announced they were expecting a baby on Princess Eugenies wedding day. I watched Michelle Obamas interview and I felt relief as she focused on family rather than political issues. I understand that the quincunx can be quite difficult and oppressive and I noticed that Meghan has two powerful planets Pluto (21 Libra) and Neptune (22 Sagittarius) pressing on her Chiron at 22 Taurus I was wondering, do these aspects make it more likely that the person will feel wounded by delusions or paranoia? Cheeky chappie Harrys rudeness and breach of protocol at an official Royal event hadnt gone unnoticed though as both William and Kate just blanked him. Hi Jessica, something else I just thought of: the timing generally. I hope anything I have written above does not offend anyone. I have some concerns about general health and wellbeing, as an astrologer, and if these two were your clients you would be talking to them about shedding and delegating at least 50% of what they are taking on board, as the mind, body and spirit can only keep going for so long, before there is an issue. . Im watching The Crown on Netflix and thinking to myself that this must me the end of them. 2021 is a 5 Universal Year, which brings healing for our fifth or throat chakras (truth and freedom). She lives in Tasmania, Australia and edits The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins). And there is certainly some substance for this assertion. They will be offered the same status as Princess Annes title-free son, Peter Phillips. Whenever I have run features on public predictions in the past like Brexit, the failure of Donald Trump or COVID-19 I have always found that what you tell me in Comments brings new facts to light. I can understand that Diana had problems in the royal family with her mental wellbeing and feeling isolated but that was decades ago when people didnt talk about mental health unlike today. The news that she apparently had suicidal depression but was not helped by anyone in the family, staff or presumably anyone at the hospital where she gave birth to Archie? Thanks to you and all the readers for all these fascinating insights. Sensibly, William and Kate waited with the officials until Harry and Meghan were seated before processing down the aisle themselves and taking their seats. Exactly nine years later, she sadly had a miscarriage in July 2020, which she was brave enough to reveal. This week Ive felt like my head would explode every time I saw her sounds nuts I know and there really is no one to express this to! We can compare the astrological charts to see if these women are the same. She specialises in 11:11 awakening and spiritual mentoring. Your thoughtfulness reminded us of who & what is really important. I could never understand why he was so popular, I felt he was reckless, something many taxpayers dont appreciate. Some were for Russia, America and Britain as Ive mentioned. That is the really interesting part. There is more to this than oat milk lattes. with her predictions at the time, Debbie said: There's a very intense aspect for Meghan - Pluto on the marriage angle of her chart - in a few years time in 2021. Will their relationship still be okay after what Meghan said about Kate? I agree with you. Thats her goal and I think Oprah and her Democrat friends engineered the interview to raise her profile. Its never going to happen. The key to this pair is money. Nobody dislikes Meghan because of race. As a psychic and astrologer, I am clear that the real issue is the unreleased Part Two of the Oprah, Meghan and Harry Show. Heres what to watch for. At present Meghan is The Duchess of Sussex. This whole thing is very murky indeed. So youve also noticed the timing of Harry and Meghans choices! Wow. Although I have not watched the interview I have read articles, summaries and seen clips on the news, and it is difficult not to have an opinion. We also talked about the fateful, fated Great American Eclipse on August 21st, 2017. Meghan, Harry and Oprah are rich and powerful enough to organise scheduling on CBS when they choose. Hi Jessica, I, like others have followed your work for years and seen prediction after prediction come to fruition. I believe that Harry is desperate to protect his family and Meghan in a way he never could his mother. In July 2011, Meghan joined the cast of Suits, a huge career break. Dhanu as per Jaimini is known as the Rashi of rise and fall. Is this why MI5 might be involved? Youll remember Princess Margaret was one of the original 1970s jetsetters, more at home island-hopping and cruising the world, than staying in rainy Britain. Indian (Vedic) astrology is obviously based on karma. She needs a strong support network and financial security to succeed. Thanks Patrick. Also: when will we finally talk about the woman trafficking Prince Andrew and his dear Friend Eppstein? It is the end of an era. Also suspect the end-game purpose for this interview was not only about the oat-milk but also to lay the groundwork for Meghans political ambitions: to run for president at a future election with the help of Oprahs huge influence and platform. In Meghans chart it is the 6thhouse from her Janma lagna, 4thhouse from Karakamsha and 5thhouse from Atamakaraka Venus. When you thought your head would explode every time you saw her on television, you are echoing what two mediums I know, have said to me. Maybe interesting to see what the stars say on the dates they first met etc You want to know about the American attitude towards Markle, any regrets by the pair about America and the response to Markle, should she return to Britain. I think the Royal family have been extremely tolerant of MEghan and Harry. Years ago, when I was looking at the Leo eclipses, it became evident that the War of the Roses chart was chiming with the charts of Harry and William. At a certain point, I can only turn to old predictions so often, before I look to you readers for new insights. There are tremendous questions about values with Meghan and Harry. For poor William, its intensely personal. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry 2021 horoscope: Meghan will be taken seriously as a feminist (Image: Getty) Harry and Meghan will step further away from the Royal family. Like many people this subject has been on my mind and a topic of conversation in our household since that bombshell interview. Sorry to be posting again so soon, but I was just looking at Meghans natal chart and was wondering about some aspects. That would have been causing Meghan stress. Just wanted to make a further point. I am surprised yet happy to see I am not the only one to have and instant and almost visceral dislike towards Megan from the very moment I saw her. But thank you for your comment. Is that possible??? Prince Harry is predicted to experience some disappointments. And of course, Doug as a nickname for a Covid variant. Following years of research, and after presenting her findings last year, the Duchess is expected to announce further plans for action in 2021. The fallout would humiliate Charles but also paint him (in my opinion) in a generous & kind light, and Harrys motives, his pain and desperate separation from the Firm, his accusations against the family, while no doubt engendering understandable sympathy, would also start to look very different in the publics eyes. Her Majesty the Queen making a Russia joke, in a highly entertaining interview? You are in agreement with almost every other reader on this website and 99% of my Twitter followers. Archies sister will be known as Lady..Mountbatten Windsor. Thanks so much Jules. I wonder if we will ever know the truth. That is really interesting. This published prediction about cover-ups in 2017 was such a long time ago, that Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein had not even been thought of. Thats a peculiar omission. I did not know Markle was using a surrogate not sure where that comes from. Royalty is very very different to celebrity, although the world knows their names its not the same and Meghan says she knows this but she doesnt. Comment moderation is in force, which means your comment will not appear immediately if at all. In truth, it belongs to their former colonies more than it belongs to them. I dealt with a very bad pluto figure in 2020 but thanks to you, the capricorn effect predictions and pluto lessons- with immense self control and will power, watched the dynamic become fair. You are not the only person on this website, or on my Twitter account, to have been uneasy about Meghan. That, to me, is war without the clash of swords, but war, nevertheless. The Leo eclipses are behind all this, and the original Leo eclipse positions will be opposed in turn by Saturn then Pluto, from 2023. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle officially exited the royal family in March 2020. Andrew Morton will update his own book about Meghan. Winfrey, Meghan and Harry, and CBS could have delayed broadcast of their attack on the family and did not. She has always been political, that was clear prior to her marriage to Harry. 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. Not the week after, or on a quiet day. Its interesting that you are a health professional and find Meghan has narcissism. Its so tragic. My ancestors left Wales with William Penn in 1682. express increasingly spiritual views and radical political stances, release a book and go into media and entertainment. Lady Colin Campbell is an expert on the House of Windsor of course, and Ill watch that later, on YouTube, to catch up. Diana, Princess of Wales and Her Astrologers. Four years ago now. The comments on Oprah Winfrey Ive not seen before. As I said the issue of race in my opinion was evolving so much more positively through Meghan and Harry being in the royal family. Meghan has good numbers for beginnings in December 2020 and March 2021. Something I will tell you every professional medium I know was unaccountably angry at the wedding. Can it be explained in Meghans birthchart or is it a result of her life experiences? You say you have experienced more racism in South Africa than you have in Great Britain, and you are an Indian South African migrant. There will be a cover-up involving both during the eclipse at 19 Gemini on June 10th, 2021. The date choices are just extraordinary; I will pass this on to some friends I know who work in the British media. Meghan played her hand with 2 of the biggest issues in society at the moment, race and mental health. Yes, there are some big questions hanging over this. The phrase is follow the money and when you have a really big Taurus story in these charts, that is always what must be done. The wend wont be pretty and Harry is in danger. Amid talk of Sir Edward Young, the Queens private secretary and Clive Alderton, Prince Charless equivalent, being dead men walking for their role in the Megxit crisis, Lord Parker will be forced to address the issue of how to resolve family disputes in a way that preserves the integrity of the monarchy without alienating its members. Another true prediction! I wonder if in her travel , could she not have someone to help her like in New York where she went to meet her close friends for baby shower , if The Firm couldnt This is another interesting comment on the Commonwealth Commemorations. Princess Diana's astrologer once predicted that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would leave the royal family - and they actually stepped back as Its amazing how many people have not watched the Winfrey show. Shes a practical person who knows that they are coming into their full potential from now. we have heard so much on M&H What can you tell us about Oprah? Watching their interview was hard but reading peoples opinions in social media was much harder to swallow. As far as I know nobody has picked it up. In about five years from now, there will be a tremendous shift between the Prince and his wife, and between the pair, and the world. Sign up to Yahoo Lifestyles daily newsletter. Hes the handsome businessman I saw, psychically. It is really interesting to see how many readers here did not watch the interview, but preferred to look elsewhere for the information. Big year for Harry and Meghan: 'King and Queen' According to Sarah, Meghan Markle is in for the biggest two years of her life over 2022 and 2023. The caddie had mouthed which club Koekpa had just hit with, prompting an outcry among fans. What about this investment in the coffee alternative ? And why were her parents not there for her? I found that Meghan used to consult with a psychic and given she is following what Diana was like, I think she has astrologers and psychics closed to them. Getting into character its called, before the script arrives. I see him letting go of old pain soon, which could mean a quieter year ahead. What did they stand to gain by this interview? The real facts are staring everybody in the face. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle officially exited the royal family in March 2020. As some media have commented, a free promotion from Ms. Winfrey is worth millions by itself. A lot of my readers are natural psychics, even though they are not professional psychics, and perhaps you are tapping into your intuition. For M &H it is all about money, status and power, otherwise they would treat Megans side of the family with some support/kindness. Its certainly in these two charts, timed in a fated way, at 19 degrees. I wouldnt watch Suits. I completely agree with you. I wonder whether you could look at Hewitts chart with Harrys and see anything there? Read more. As a student of life have to say this is not looking good and the road ahead is definitely not smooth. Or we were. Diana, Princess of Wales, relied on both women for astrological advice and friendship, as Andrew Morton reveals in what is essentially Dianas autobiography. We are at a time where truths are being revealed almost daily about individuals, institutions, governments who have endorsed or covered up appalling behaviour and there are so many genuine and horrible issues coming to light. It is amazing that the former MI5 Director-General, Andrew Parker, is to work for the Royal family. It was very interesting to read about Dianas spirit I was a contemporary of hers in London (my friends daughter was pictured with her in that now infamous shot of Diana as a kindergarten teacher) I remember we were all horrified at Charles whatever love is comment when it first aired in the engagement announcement but their relationship was very complex and I believe she would be horrified at Harrys current position. with her predictions at the time, Debbie said: There's a very intense aspect for Meghan - Pluto on the marriage angle of her chart - in a few years time in 2021. I am wondering if the House of Windsor might not update its policy on the business and charity side of the firm. Thank you for your replies and I really hope you have rest and refresh your mind after tackling most of these comments. Right after their first date, she returned her engagement ring to the then husband, by Fedex! The three wise men, who were astrologers. Harry is clearly Hewitts son, so not from the royal line. As with any good mystery or detective story, you ask why. Many thanks to you. There is a part of me that thinks, the smart thing to do in this new life within the House of Windsor would have been to take a low profile and bypass so much discussion about what should be a private life, online. Many thanks again. There is also a lot of noise. I imagine the goal is Hollywood and other real estate on a grand scale. Only time will tell. Thanks to all who write and for all your responses. I think more than anything ego got the best of both of them. That is a bigger tragedy. It was always the withheld part two. In fact you cant separate them. That is such a chilling thoughtSuch darkness. Read more. He has just been with his grandfather in hospital, recovering from heart surgery, during the worst global crisis for the family since Diana passed. and property ventures dont work out? I wanted to add to the comments in case it triggered something for you Jessica. I dont think anyone would deny an actress becomes an actress, because she wants the spotlight. I am sure these stories will create more fans in one sense as they will see a connection to the couple and buy into what is being sold to them, but I feel they may also lose a lot of longtime fans as well who will be very unsettled with what has gone down. There must surely be the cream of Harley Street as well, just waiting for a call. She was able to pick her own team of health professionals at arguably one of Londons most expensive private hospitals which specialises in the care of women and children. Hi Jessica and Fellow Members, It is also about the exhaustion of having so many projects, plans, commitments and responsibilities that it is hard to do more than just blindly move towards the goal. Not that you can blame her! Life is not always about money and I have lost some respect for Winfrey. You would expect this to take place by Christmas 2021, according to the astrology. You are the first person to raise the question of Dianas passing in Paris and the ongoing questions about the car crash. What do you have the Royal Family for but for projections to divert you from your lives? No professional psychic or astrologer would be surprised if the much-discussed part two of the Oprah-Harry-Meghan interview goes away. So much of the wealth is built on colonialism from the first Elizabeth to the present Elizabeth. But its certainly a bizarre situation: where Joe Public knows very clearly that Epstein didnt commit suicide, yet we will also never have answers. Meghan will be tempted to sign a lucrative book deal to write her autobiography. They carefully gave praise to the Queen and first thought that came to mind whilst discussing Kate Middleton in the interview, was a pay back to Kate and Meghan competing for public approval against her. The King and Queen attended a Maundy Thursday service at York Minster. Thats really interesting to see in The Vancouver Sun. You can see the video here; fast-forward to the end of the program. The question is, will Meghan and Harrys accusations of alleged racism hurt the monarchys role with Commonwealth countries? Thank you for your efforts of thoughtfully exposing pieces of the puzzle. Feel this interview was the beginning of the end for this couple though. Speaking to OK! The financial astrologer Kate Silas ( Profit With the Planets) has pointed out that the astrology chart for Clevr, Meghan and Oprahs favourite oat milk latte company, will be hit by an eclipse on Thursday, June 10th, 2021. He may change after 2025, as you have mentioned in you article. I thought I would share a few more things I have come across. Thank you. It influences our mindset and work choices. Its already been spruiked by Oprah and Kim Kardashian (both self-made 4 life paths like Meghan Kim is a 22/4, which makes her even more ambitious). We now have a 130-way conversation about the Winfrey show, from all over the world. You also have to wonder what the point of the show was. Do you think even after Harry and Meghan divorced, William and Harry wont be reconciled? It remains to be seen what is in the unreleased footage and if, in fact, we will ever see it. It was unexpected and it spoke volumes. I have no idea whether the above statements are correct since.. I think Truth and Justice and how they are perceived and presented are key to this. Kate is our future Queen and has been trained to deal with this kind of thing, as part of her career. Thanks for the Harry and Megan info but I really want to know what this means for Charles/William/Catherine and the queen and possibly Prince Phillip. Working as a psychic means you never really switch off, and when the Winfrey show went to air, my instinct was for the Duke of Edinburgh in hospital. I was watching the (Oprah) H/M interview like every one. The rest we may never find out. Charles,had nothing to give to his sad ,sad boys.Its heartbreaking. To me, Meghan Markle has *never* appeared as she wishes to present herself. You will see tremendous changes as the Firm, firms up! That seems like an odd imbalance. Most obviously, the Daily Mail and the Sun, which carried my predictions in October last year. Now however, when you google Hewitt & Harry a lot of side by side photos come up, mostly posts from the past 6 months, and the resemblance now that he has matured is unmistakeable. Of course this pulls in Prince Andrew, but it also pulled in Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, by association. Smiling advisors and grinning yes-men may make everyday life feel easier, and vindicate choices, but whatever feels too easy shouldn't necessarily be trusted. The cream of Harley Street as well watched Michelle Obamas interview and i felt was... A 5 Universal year, which carried my predictions in October last year have harry meghan astrology predictions 2021 broadcast of attack! An official centenarian message from the first person to raise the question is, will Meghan and.... Most boring people on the business and charity side of the program share a few about. Even from harry meghan astrology predictions 2021, where there is a 5 Universal year, which she was enough... 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yandere godzilla x male reader