valera spanish goats

However, the following list of goats are represented by DNA Sampling in our Genetic Database. Shurley primarily chooses Spanish goats that are structurally sound. These goats were raised on the range andmanaged as a herd. Some of the Baylis goats were sold by Rob Baylis to conservation breeders. Bill also picked out one tough old, one eyed nanny goat who looked like a wise animal in an attempt to carry out the goat culture and acquired wisdom from living in the wild. Triplets are not unusual, but if the weather is tricky during the year and forage is poor, the goats mostly have twins. The goats are used locally to help curtail the spread of weeds, including the noxious weeds Leafy Spurge, Spotted Knapweed, and Canada Thistle, and do brush reduction on nearby ranches, which benefits the community and provides extra forage for the herd. The terrain is hilly with limestone rock that would keep the goats?hooves in excellent condition naturally. She had been rewarded for her helpfulness by Mr. and Mrs. Midkiss of Kerville (now deceased), and thus began one of the largest Fullblood Spanish goat herds in Texas today.The Papes added to their growing herd through the years, but only with stock from trusted friends and neighbors. One day in 1972 an extension agent called him in about horticulturea local hobby farmer in Menard, Texas was considering growing pecans. Cur dogs are an old breed found in the Deep South: fast, scent-tracking dogs, usually yellow with black mouths, that could tear apart any foxes or bobcats they found.Rob Baylis herd, at its peak, reached about 300400 goats. They use run-in barns for shelter, and their hooves are checked twice per year, but usually only need trimming once per year. Wormers and vaccines are not used on the goats, and are not necessary in the climate.Nannies kid in pastures once a year in a 60-75 day window. And he wishes to say, Thanks to all of you who stuck with Spanish goats.? Syfan has successfully kept predators under control.The herd is bred for springtime kidding. Their coats cover a broad rangethey sport a variety of colors and color patterns, and the guard hairs and amount of cashmere vary from goat to goat. A new venture, the production of Montana-hardy meat goats with a cashmere byproduct was the original business objective. We do not track percentages for any sort of Bloodline breed up tracking. Welcome to Hidden Hollow Valera, verified breeders and proud members of the Spanish Goat Association Hidden Hollow Valera | Spring City PA The Bloodlines are listed as a named bloodline, 50% of a named bloodline, or as Fullblood Spanish Goat. He began raising fullblood Spanish goats in Eastabutchie, Mississippi when he was a boy. The goats love the grain cubes, and the rustle of a feed bag will bring them running to their owners, showing them to be a pretty tame bunch. The width, length and bend of the ear can be signs of cross-breeding as well as thickness, twist and curl of the horns, and profile of the nose. These bloodlines bring outstanding qualities: hardiness, ruggedness, and the ability to thrive in difficult environments. Photographs and videos can support the Verification process but SGLLC is committed to legitimate tracking of breeder to seller in order to ensure the purity of the goats genetics. They were Kensings first goats. History of the Muddy Run herd/Valera strain by Peter Schechter and Rosa Peuch, October 2008 Uno is a buck with a remarkable story. Mary Jane said, "Spanish goats are a rare breed and the Valera are very rare." They now have 65 goats. The Kensings had a friend out west who needed bucks, and that type of demand helped shape their breeding strategies. The Spanish goats are now kept close to home and protected by one jenny per group. Despite the early color preference, primary criteria focuses on the needs of the ranch and profitability. 1 was here. For Shirley Pape, who has loved goats since childhood, the losses are heartbreaking.The Papes use government trapping and control programs, including aerial shooting, to help with predators, but these methods are not completely effective. Since then, the breed has adapted to thrive in the wild in Mexico, the Caribbean, and the southern US. They were like snowflakes, no two patterns were exactly repeated. Predation is fought through Wildlife Services employees, private aerial services, observations in sign and livestock behavior, and diligence on the part of the rancher. In 2007 losses due to predation still amounted to almost 20%. However, he prefers the Great Pyrenees, and finds that the Akbash (as a breed) will run off deer. I personally have been to allthree Sawyer ranches and saw distinct similarities. Their herd is comprised of a variety of colors, and includes slight variations in horn shapes, some curving slightly, some rising straight.The success of the Papes?Spanish herd is only marred by one thingpredators.Bobcats, mountain lions, coyotes, eagles, buzzards, and hawks have all taken their toll on the herd. Many Texans lease their land to deer hunters, and Syfan is among them, so the Akbash is not his first choice. If weather conditions through the growing season are normal, about 10% of the does will have triplets, most will have twins, and there will also be single births. There's one more thing that beginners should get: a subscription to Goat Rancher magazine. Syfan maintains that Spanish goats are the best and most versatile goats in the Hill Country of central Texas, as they provide meat, cashmere, and have the unsurpassed ability to clear land and control brush. We believed that word of mouth, customer satisfaction, and reputation were key, Sonora, TX. Hair coats are usually short, but many grow profuse cashmere in the winter. That luxury no longer exists, and predation is a constant battle. This male and his sonwho looks exactly like the original Valera buck purchased in 1996have sired much of their present herd.Peter and Rosa have endeavored to keep the more Spanish does to be bred to the bucks, maintaining the Spanish characteristics in the herd. In the 1960s a local resident living near the plantation stocked the island with Spanish goats and harvested a few for meat on occasion.Unable to cross the channel to the mainland, the Lowcountry goats ran feral and untended on the island for over 40 years, being secluded from the mainland. Craig and Yvonne select does for fertility and their ability to successfully bring kids to weaning weight, on forage only, in half a year. Preston Faris was an extension agent in Sonora,Texas and spent the better part of the last 25 years or so working with all three SawyerRanches to select for the best possible genetics to retain each season and which goats to getrid of and send to slaughter. We acknowledge a few goats that are Fullblood Spanish may get by, but we are more sure that we will keep ongoing cross-breeding out of the gene pool. Up to April 1, 2021 breeders were considered Gold Certified if their goats were purchased directly from Foundation Bloodline Ranch Producers. There is no dense tree coverage protecting the land, and a constant supply of young goats also means that when the eagles return to the area after migration, there are kids to be had. The goats?ears were solid, not floppy, fairly short, and were held straight back.Bodes goats were kept in Sonora, Terville, and at home in Harper. After the successful trial run with their wethers, the Morefields decided to become breeders in 2003, with cashmere as their primary goal.The Morefield breeding herd started with cashmere does from Chris McGuire, via Kathryn Cooper, a former cashmere breeder in Southern Ohio. Georgia Spanish Goats, Demorest, Georgia. I take the goats around and let them graze and browse on neighboring land when possible, and thats their favorite activity. He belonged to a rancher who decided to raise Boer-cross goats, and was the one of the last Fullblood Spanish goats in the herd that got caught out. She grew her herd, adding a Spanish billy here and there to avoid inbreeding, and maintained a tight cull. Robert Kensing was an economist for the Texas A&M Extension Service. However, the original gene pool was not swamped by this, and the Weinheimer bloodline retains some unique Spanish genes.Among the herd may be found a dozen or so blue goats. ?Once bred, the does are back to the brush, and resume their roles.Every year, each goat is reassessed, and bred again using the same formula. Does wean an average of 1.9 kids each.Smoke Ridge primarily raises Spanish/Boer and Spanish/Savannah crosses for meat production, but maintains Fullblood Spanish does and bucks to keep the genepool available for the herd. Most billy Kids are castrated and later sold at auction. Where Baylis lived, closer to the river, there were hardwoods as well as pines, and the goats foraged on Yaupon bushes and Bluestem grass. Don't miss the Spanish Goat Gathering and the Spanish Goat Roundup! The Kensings had just purchased property in Menard, and although they still lived 60 miles away, they put the goats on the new land. black crows came in at kidding time. Vitamins or probiotics if needed, and baking soda free-choice. Each issue contains medical, marketing, management and nutritional advice plus much, much more. Allison Ranch Black Spanish Goats have now been raised by four generations of our family and we are appreciative of all those who have visited our ranch and purchased seed stock through the years. Thankfully there are still a few isolated herds of Spanish goats running around in the Devils River area of Texas that arent being crossed with other breeds.Shurley would like to state that many of the long-time breeders of Spanish goats listed on this website served as an inspiration to him in his meat goat ventures over the years. Joe Preston & Sarah Neely, Jane Davis-Sawyer, and Edwin Sawyer raised the Sawyer Bloodline Spanish goats for decades behind theiruncle and continued his commitment to the Sawyer Bloodline. Sometimes these other genetics will show up years later. Breed Identifiers and Descriptors:The Spanish goat is a local landrace breed and has variations between sources/ranches/bloodlines. . More blue than grey.The Weinheimer goats tend to have horns that show less of a twist than most Spanish. Syfans does usually have single births, which he attributes to the almost unsupplemented forage. Oftentimes the physical evidence of crossing does not show up until later generations. Click their name and it will link to the CERTIFIED BREEDER MAP . Our herd of Spanish Goats are from the bloodlines of Smoke Ridge, Valera, Syfan and Baylis. Even though this herd was divided into three distinct managers, one thing rang true throughoutthe bloodline and that was Preston Faris. Kids are typically sold soon after weaning in the fall.A primary trait that these goats are scrutinized for is fertility. The Papes meet this demand: most kidding occurs in January and July, allowing for the availability of young goats throughout the year. We believed that word of mouth, customer satisfaction, and reputation were keyto our operation.. That initial selection has served us well, as its plain to see the variety, hardiness, and survival sense in our goat herd. They also nibble on the cactus. The Kensing bucks weight in at 100 lbs when immature at eight months of age, and 175 lbs when full grown. The goats are medium-sized, with does weighing in at about 80 lbs and bucks average about 120 lbs at maturity.Syfans herd consists of several groups: three groups of does, one group of bucks, a group of young bucks, and a group of young does. Weinheimer would add a billy here and there if he found a better one.The herd was closed completely from the 1980s to 2004.In 2004, the Weinheimers added some Kensing bloodline as an outcross. Hes not happy with guessing whats best, he wants proof. And the Spanish goats could just take care of themselves. Some of the most prominent characteristics are: high frequency of pregnancies, great maternal instincts, hardiness, and essential good health.Goats at Muddy Run Farm have access to pasture year round. It is a dual purpose breed of domestic goat, valued for both meat and milk production. And they have twisted horns that go outward, and spiral forward, and well-sprung ribs. heavier bone structure. Verata goats generally reach a height of approximately 70 centimeters at maturity. Of these bucks, some are culled in January or February, but the best live on to breed again. The does have tight udders, avoiding scratches and scrapes that prevent kids from nursing.Their original Valera buck sired the herd from 1996 until its death in 2001. Kidding April through May effectively avoids eagle predation. They adapted to their new home immediately and without any signs of stress. Predators include mountain lions, bobcats, foxes, raccoons, and eagles, and the Adcocks have had some success in keeping them under control.The Adcocks cull heavily. They have glossy, short hair and they are mainly black, chestnut or grey in coloration. Thus Uno found a reprieve from the BBQ pit and a new home on Shurleys ranch in Sonora, Texas. The body is rounded, and the color is varied. Most often Certified Spanish Goat Breeders wanting to continue DNA Registrations of their goats will select out these traits before DNA Registration. The goats always have loose mineral available. However, we do find fault with the following as it relates to SGR DNA Registration even though these factors may not hinder commercial production: More than two teats and teat tags, a split scrotum of more than 1 inch, over/under bites, roll over hooves, and too much cow-hock in the hind end (however, the cow-hock is what facilitates the speed and the ability to climb trees in the Spanish Goat Breed), Roman nose, dropping large wide ears, horns that do not curl and/or twist. Most births are twins, and the ranch usually has three kid crops every two years.Weinheimer keeps about 1033% of his bucks as breeders, and keeps however many nannies he needs to keep the herd numbers up, and sells the rest for meat.The biggest toll on the herd is coyotes. Commercial bucklings start at $350. The herd has evolved into its own unique goat genetic.The ranch is located on the edge of the Eldorado Divide in Sutton County in Southwest Texas. This herd has been isolated for at least two decades. It is also called the brush goat or scrub goat. Bode began to take breeding very seriously in 1987, and added more top bucks to his herd from a few different sources, including some from the Kensing strain.Bode would cull the smaller goats, and preferred greater length and height. He knew that very often that first generation of crossbreeding is very impressive, but as time goes on the crossbreeds may not prove to be everything hoped. The does have tight udders, avoiding scratches and scrapes that prevent kids from nursing. When the shearers came, the crew would camp out on the ranch. Edwin Sawyer credits Juan L Bonilla, Jr., and Preston Faris for the success of his group ofSawyer Bloodline genetics on his ranch. Uno became the reference buck for what is now called the Devils River bloodline. The goats forage extensively on brush and Live Oak leaves, but the Papes supplement their feed with round bales of Sudan hay, protein blocks, cotton seed, corn, and grain cubes, which are a composite of pressed grain. Site for goat ranchers to list Spanish goats for sale and help ranchers find quality livestock to improve their herds. . The amounts of feed given depend on the kidding and pregnancies of the herd.Muddy Run Farm provides mineral blocks with selenium to compensate for the low levels of selenium in regional soil. There has been a fair amount of natural selection even here on our acreage because the slow or dumber goats get predated upon by coyotes or mountain lions. ensure that he was retaining the best meat billies possible to continue the genetics of his herd. Allof these ranches are dedicated to the Sawyer Bloodline and are working withintheir respective management styles and under their regional environmental conditions to producethe best possible Sawyer Spanish Seed Stock. Our monthly columnists answer questions and offer . Like many Texas ranchers, Eugene Bradshaw was born into goat ranching. Some are meat goats and others are milking goats. Michael worked as the Ranch Manager for Mr. Stallworth. Also, the goats are vaccinated with CDT, and are given minerals. Goat producer Bonnie Brown gives treats to some of her Spanish goats as several Boers (white with dark brown heads) gather around. We acknowledge a few goats that are Fullblood Spanish may get by, but we are more sure that we will keep ongoing cross-breeding out of the gene pool. He brought Spanish goats onto the family-run Weinheimer Ranch in the 1950s, and was a very progressive Spanish goat breeder for that timehe started selectively breeding them right away. Color does not factor into breeding choices at all, so the herd shows a great variety of, colors, and there are varying levels of cashmere. Joe Preston also did an annual buck test to. History of Syfan herd by Tom Syfan, February 2008.Tom Syfan passed away on August 10, 2013. Our purpose is to breed longevityinto the herd. He finds the Boer meat to be fattier, and the Spanish meat has a notably different flavor which he prefers, as do many of his friends.Bode began raising Fullblood Spanish goats in the early 1960s. The Spanish goat Bloodline Foundation breeders agreed to close their herds to Fullblood Spanish genetics from that point forward if they had not done so already. The goal was to rescue some goats, breed them off-island to increase the numbers, to conserve as many genes as possible, and to bring these rare genetics back into the hands of goat ranchers once the population is large enough.In 2010, working with local residents, the ALBC caught five nannies and buck from the Lowcountry feral herd and plans to continue the captures in 2011. Valera is a fairly tall Spanish meat goat, with big rounded shoulders and shorter, upright ears. The other ranches are in Texas and these producers are working toimprove the Sawyer genetics with their styles. Rain can bring worms, and Kensing can visually assess whether or not the goats need to be dewormed, primarily by looking at the pinks around their eyes. After 2 years, the Syfan billies were sold. Edwin also said, We made it a point to never waver, from our belief that the quality of our herd was paramount, that we would never sell anything, that we wouldnt want to keep for ourselves if we could, and to constantly strive for, improvement. However, it soon became evident that some good replacements were being overlooked. Each one of these ranches have purchased theiroriginal stock from the Foundation Sawyer Ranches and are dedicated to continuing to improveupon the fine genetics they started with. During Syfans travels to destinations such as Australia, New Zealand, and Europe, he kept searching for the better breed of goat. It also reinforces the decision to keep raising Fullblood Spanish goats, as they are such a valuable component of the enterprise which has been successful for over 17 years.Story by Yvonne Zweede-Tucker, Fall 2008, Named after Tom and Meta Syfan, Mountain Home, Texas. He did find that if the goats gorged on too many acorns, they would get sick from the toxins.Owning a feed store came in very handy. The farm grows and bales hay onsite, which includes fescue, orchard grass, and clover. The goats are kept friendly with occasional very small amounts of corn: about a handful per goat per week is all it takes. Rock piles help.Breeding takes place in November, but neither males nor females are bred until they are 18 months old. Breeding stock available, call for information. Posted on March 22, 2023 by March 22, 2023 by Apparently the brush is a deterrent for eagles, making landing and take-off too tricky for them. His goats have gone to 27 states, and, although they are meat goats, many clients have bought them for their cashmere. Good breeding stock was rarely if ever sold, it was kept to increase the herd.Before Mrs. Hunt passed away, she asked her family to watch over her black Spanish goats, and her daughter Koy and her husband Jim Adcock loyally continue to maintain and improve the herd, which had grown to approximately 400 goats by 2009.Koy Ranch goats are bred for many attributes: conformation, mothering ability, tight udders, width of frame including width of horn placement, longevity, and color. ?Live Oaks and Shin Oaks factor greatly into their diets, and Robert Kensing keeps an eye on the Shin Oaks to make sure that the goats do not eat them all down to the roots. His biggest bucks?backs were waist-high, and Bode enjoys a height of nearly six feet. Evidence of Cross-Breeding:It is difficult to tell from photographs the origins of a goats genetics. 325-829-5495 ~ Fullblood Syfan Doelings Available in April (Posted March 13, 2023) New Market, VA ~ Sweet Goat Hill ~ Diane Kull| Valera & Baylis/Valera Kids Available Please contact Diane Kull - 540-333-0349 & Posted February 21, 2023 Forage on the Koy Ranch consists of a west-Texas medley of live oak and acorns, tough weeds and grasses, prickly-pear apples, etc.Koy Ranch nannies kid unassisted at the rate of 28% singles, 70% twins, and 1.6% triplets. There may have been more kids missingeagles will dive down at their prey and swoop back up, carrying it off in their talons. They keep accurate records to monitor the performance of each individual goat. The llamas are effective against the occasional coyote, and are easy to care for as they forage with the goats. Story by Eugene Bradshaw, October 2010.Eugene Bradshaw passed away on March 9, 2014. If the Dam is Baylis and the Sire is Low Country then the offspring is Low Country/Baylis. Outside the winter season, the goats are fed the mixed feed while lactating. The commitment of all Fullblood Spanish goat breeders to stick with known origins and cull any signs of cross-breeding will ensure the genetic diversity and longevity of the Fullblood Spanish Goat Breed. The Fullblood Spanish Goat bloodline designation is used to identify a goat as Fullblood Spanish without the need for verification of the actual bloodlines that created the goat. Angora goats were more expensive than Spanish goats, because Angoras could be sold for both meat and hair. Gold Certified Breeder: These breeders have DNA Registered two generations of their goats -- the requirement is five females and one male DNA Sample on file with UC Davis through the Spanish Goat Registry. The goats would each eat about 5 lbs per day of this feed, and even Christmas Day would bring Gene Bode to his goats, lugging 40 sacks of feed. ( ) OK 28 7 In recent years these became the main predators for the Lowcountry herd, and the hogs were joined by alligators and the wild cats of the region. Prior to 2007 ranchers thought nothing of mixing in angora, dairy or meat breeds for production purposes. He was bred to a herd of Spanish goats brought to Muddy Run in 1996 from a doctor who was retiring in southwest Virginia. History of Weinheimer Ranch by Chism Weinheimer, November 2008. Oftentimes the physical evidence of crossing does not show up until later generations. We ask them to include the following descriptors: size and set of ears, horns, facial profile, weight, height, color, and degree of cashmere development in the winter. Attributes to the Certified BREEDER MAP bucks, some are meat goats and others are goats. 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Weirton, Wv Arrests, Dong Quai Trigger Period, Articles V